• Hi @videmsky, when I use this snippet, I get an error in pipelines telling me that the stage for the review job is not defined.


    I was able to correct the problem and successfully execute the pipeline by declaring the stages in my .gitlab-ci.yml.

    See the edits to my .gitlab-ci.yml for this correction here: https://gitlab-core.us.gitlabdemo.cloud/demosys-users/steve-graham/tam-ci-training/-/commit/8e7b5e7cb690d0f827416e9bdc50596b961e6ece.

    Btw, once corrected, my pipeline failed as I was not using a Kubernetes cluster. I was getting errors related to Kube keys not being available (I didn't screenshot them and was able to get the pipeline to run successfully after correcting). I was still using a local runner on my personal machine. I paused my local runner and reverted to using the shared runners, after which my pipeline passed.

    By Steve Graham on 2020-07-30T17:58:10 (imported from GitLab)

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